Who doesn't want to be in good shape? It enhances your appearance and brings about a significant improvement in your health.
However, owing to an unhealthy lifestyle, obesity has become a serious health concern, nowadays.
Through proper diagnosis and effective weight management, obesity can be treated.
Overweight and Obesity
'Overweight and Obesity' are terms used in reference to body weight that is greater than what is healthy.
Overweight results from extra body fat, extra muscle, bone or water and obesity is due to excessive fat accumulation.
Overweight leads to obesity, if not controlled.
Your eating patterns, physical activity, weight history, weight-loss efforts, medicines and other health issues will be reviewed by your doctor.
Body mass index(BMI) is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of height in metres
BMI Values:
Ideal weight : 18.5 - < 25
Overweight : 25 - 29.9
Obese : 30 and above
BMI is not reliable in all cases as it does not measure body fat directly. Several muscular athletes with low body fat have high BMI.
Waist measurement is another criteria to determine obesity. Women who have waist measurement over 35 inches and men with that over 40 inches are considered obese. Blood tests help to rule out certain medical conditions that cause weight gain like Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS) etc.
High BMI, excess fat accumulation around the waist, shortness of breath, fatigue, excessive sweating, trouble sleeping, back and joint pain, skin, and negative self-esteem are some of the symptoms of Obesity.
When there is an energy imbalance, overweight and obesity develop over time. Diseases, characterised by hormonal imbalance like Hyperthyroidism, PCOS, Cushing's syndrome tend to cause obesity. Some genetic disorders also lead to obesity.
Osteoarthritis,which tends to bring about low physical activity, causes consequent weight gain
Medications like antipsychotics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, birth control pills etc. also cause weight gain
Risk Factors
Unhealthy lifestyle in the form of lack of exercise and a sedentary life are major risk factors.
Food items with high added sugar, saturated and trans fats contribute to weight increase. Lack of sleep affects the hormones controlling hunger
If you are under excessive and continuous stress the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, are affected, as a result of which, you eat more. Those who suffer from depression may overeat to derive emotional comfort. A slower metabolic rate and less muscle mass are the reasons for weight gain when you age.
Obesity and overweight can be inherited genetically too
Ayurvedic Treatment For Weight Loss In Kerala
According to Ayurveda, the real reason for overweight and obesity is the imbalance in the constitution of tridoshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta). The problem arises on account of improper digestion or improper metabolism due to excessive kapha and ama (toxins in the body).
How does it work
First of all, your body type or prakriti and dosha imbalances are identified by your doctor and the right treatment and duration is finalized. As per Ayurveda, weight management deals with the manner in which food is processed by our digestive system and the impact of the liver on anabolic metabolism, which leads to accumulation of excess kapha and an imbalance in kapha dosha causes obesity.. Ayurvedic weight loss herbs, therapies and massages help in reducing fat cells. When fat and toxins are removed, digestive and healthy metabolic processes are restored.
Pitta dosha and catabolic metabolism are increased and anabolic metabolism is decreased through specific Ayurvedic treatment.
Abhyanga - It involves vigorous massage with a specific combination of oils and Ayurvedic weight loss herbs to rejuvenate the body by improving blood circulation.
Swedana - It is a herbal steam therapy with steam and warm herbal oils, that helps in the loosening of toxins by opening the pores of the skin.
Kizhi - Hot medicated pouches are used to carry out this treatment. It helps to reduce excess fat.
Udwarthanam - It is a deep and dry massage with weight loss herbal powders and pastes which helps in the removal of cellulite (dimpled skin) and toning of muscles.
Udgharshanam - It is like Udwarthanam, but here, the body is massaged with a wet, scrb like mixture, allowed to settle and then removed. It helps in breaking cellulite and tones the skin.
Pizhichil - Pizhichl is actually the oil bath for muscle tone balancing.
Oral Herbal Medications -They convert excessive fat into energy and improve the metabolism
Panchakarma -Panchakarma therapy or the detox process is also administered based on individual requirements and is an effective way to reduce weight.
Exercise - Yoga asanas, pranayama sessions, brisk walking are recommended for burning fat.
Diet - Well-balanced meals in moderate amounts contribute to loss of excessive fat.
Meditation - Meditation and mantras play an important role in reducing stress.
Treatment for Weight Loss at Au Revoir
One of the premium Ayurveda Resorts in Palakkad, Au Revoir, a prominent Ayurveda Treatment Centre in Palakkad, offers one of the best Ayurvedic treatment packages in Kerala, for Obesity Management / Weight Reduction.
Udwarthanam, Udgharshanam, herbal baths, etc. are included in the package, amongst many other therapies. In addition to Ayurvedic internal medications, diet and lifestyle modifications, Yoga, Suryanamaskaram, meditation also form an integral part of the program.
Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss at the Ayurveda Treatment Centre,Palakkad is realistic and long-lasting. Moreover, it is an extraordinary experience to get revitalized at Au Revoir, the best resort in Palakkad.